Default Frost 2.0


The Page content type serves as a one-off or generic page that is excluded from your taxonomy. Think Privacy Policy, Terms, Error Pages or Search Results pages for example. These are pages that your website needs, but they don't have any child assets or pages filed underneath them in your site's structure. Pages can have any modules added to them via publishing, so the layout possibilities are endless!

List Style: Large Image on Side Multi Promo

List Description. This list can have an image right aligned or left aligned, and the Items can have optional links, or this can be a static module that keeps the user on the page.

List Style: Large Image on Side Multi Promo

List Description. This list can have an image right aligned or left aligned, and the Items can have optional links, or this can be a static module that keeps the user on the page.
Item 1 in List: Description
Item 2 in List: Description
Item 3 in List: Description

List Title: Media Thumbnail Style

This style is a grid of images with the linked content information (title and duration) displaying below.
Promo Description: The optional promo background may be an image or a color from the palette. Editors can control the opacity of the overlay to make text easier to read. This promo style has a separate field for mobile images to control the media at smaller breakpoints. Text color and alignment can be controlled by editors as well. Note: The button text and color are editorially defined as well.

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